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# The UKs No.1 SEO Company Free SEO Analysis & Proposal Today From The UK's Leading SEO Company


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Thursday, 25 November 2010

Late last week Google announced the Google Webmaster Tools, which contains already a brilliant tool for SEO analysis Welcome additions to update. It is certainly taking a couple of moments of additions over the look and feel of the tool, and get to grips with their regular analysis of the situation you are working on a website can make the best possible way for updates.

Google list of each select query now, which has been found on the Web site and through the hyperlinks in a link, in accordance with the ' query data on the page ', which looks visually, including impressions and clicks the graph of the performance of a specified period of time.Displays the chart in order to supplement the information on the page will also appear in the query, the list of a select query, which returns the specified shows again the impressions and clicks and CTR. pages table is also possible to export the data in every page of webmaster tools, so that the alternative tool allows you to analyze the data. ' query data page ' is equal to each search query, it provides us with a new analysis of each keyphrase in order to assess the relevance of those who should be the primary focus of the work OF SEO targeting and bringing attention to the keyphrases, which can be carried out in such a way that was expected and Welcome.

As the webmaster tools Search queries tab of the further increase in the ' change ' column has been added to the columns in the returned results up to make it easier for you to identify trends in monthly. I think that this is certainly something that is useful in the months to come, certainly, in so far as the keyphrase sees the positive change in the impressions and clicks then it's a good idea to maintain a Web site? It highlights the readily those who have the invoice impressions and clicks between the month and, therefore, those who is still attention and verified.

Because some users may receive multiple messages, Google Webmaster tools has been updated to the latest version please, in order to allow certain messages can be "appeared in the, ' than can be done in Gmail, which one takes the greater importance.The user can choose to view the messages that are marked with an asterisk in the view tab, which is certainly reduce the important messages to find and thus more time, what is really important that these data; analysis of the spent time used.

Overall, we can see the webmaster tools the latest update to the new features are available, which are certain to be very useful for Web site information, and which keywords are working and which does not work as well as originally hoped to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the analysis., it seems that Google is in the case of saving users time at the moment, what with the recent release of the Google Webmaster Tools, instant and additions, which speeds up the time, there is no doubt that analyze the data. [1] [2] the question is, what is the next Google?

This entry was posted on Tuesday, 12 October, 2010 2: 36 pm and is filed under SEO News.

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