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Wednesday, 24 November 2010

November 15th, 2010 by Peter

Blogging is a productive SEO technique which can make a big difference to an online business. If a blog is used appropriately, it can attract attention and interest for a company, build trust and respect for its brand and direct traffic to its web pages.

The updates within a blog are therefore of great importance. Blog posts must be made on regular basis so the blog remains fresh and up to date. This is what readers want so the information they read is still relevant and also what the search engines want too. The search engines are always looking for the freshest and most relevant info and a regularly updated blog can provide this type of information.

However, it is not just consistency which is important in blogging. Bloggers make many mistakes when writing a blog and these mistakes can jeopardise their overall chances of achieving impressive results through the blog posts they create.

A large number of website owners use their blog updates to spread their sales pitch. They feature a great deal of pushy advertising material in their blogs and think this is going to work effectively for them. This is not the case. Readers of blogs don’t want to read how great the business owner thinks their business is but rather wants to be provided with relevant information which can help them to understand how the business can be useful.

The quality of the content written in a blog is another area where many site owners let their blog down. Your blog updates must be well written if your blog is going to work effectively for your business. If your blog updates are not well written and feature spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, those which read your blog will view your business as incompetent. They will lose trust and respect for your business and this can be disastrous.

A mistake often made by site owners is they create a blog post for their business blog but it is actually of little relevance to their business. This may attract some interest and attention but it will do little for the developing of bonds with your blog readers. The content you create must be relevant in some way and must always be created with the aim of developing your brand within the online community.

Another way in which some site owners damage their blogs is by copying other content they have found online and using it within their blogs. This is unacceptable. Whilst online research for ideas is recommended, simply copying the content of others will not work for your blog or for your reputation. It is important for your blog to feature unique and relevant information and so blog updates must always be freshly written.

We at SEO Consult use blogs within the SEO campaigns of many of our clients. A well-written and regularly updated blog can make a big difference to the results a business is able to achieve. If you require any assistance with blogging, work with us.

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