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Sunday, 28 November 2010

November 25th, 2010 by steve

Social Media now plays an integral role for businesses online. Websites such as Facebook and Twitter are becoming increasingly important for those businesses which are trying to gain attention, build respect for their companies and develop their brands within the online community.

Business owners using social media often become focused on the concept of encorporating social media into their marketing mix without any objectives. However, what many of these site owners don’t consider is that social media can be utilised across all aspects of the business. For example; customer service, HR, sales, PR, research & development, customer support.

It is important that when considering social media that you define your objectives and what you want to achieve. An initial aim maybe to increase the amount of followers or friends you have. However what you need to consider is, why do you want more followers? Is it to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside OR provide them with excellent insights, listen and engage? As Seth Godin advises you need to ‘Be Remarkable’. Remarkable means ‘Worth making a remark about’. The idea is that if you provide remarkable information, content or service that people will comment, talk about you and share your idea.

Social media is a phenomenal tool. From small businesses to large corporations, social media plays an important part. A lot of online consumers now like to share their opinions and feedback with others and social media provides the perfect environment for this. If you provide excellent service to your customers or clients social media will more than reward you for it. However if a user notices your profile and remembers their issue with your company, they may well begin monitoring the information you give and how you behave, waiting for an opportunity to share their experience. So you also have to be prepared for negative content contributed by others.

Social Media Monitoring is essential for any company. If you can discover conversations happening about your company you are able to steer them the way you want them. You can thank people for their kind words or rectify negative experiences. These conversations will happen and are happening, so monitoring them is more than essential for your business.

Social Conversations

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